วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

สรุป PA500 โดย Duangnapa Thapthanee

Chapter 3
Using Grammar in Sentences

1. The next major constraint is the lack of institutional support.
2. Civil service systems are supported by citizens and groups who want to keep “politics” out of public personnel decisions and to run government like.
3. Data administration and research methods are vital areas in the theory and practice of public administration.
4. Public relations can be broadly defined and “the art of adjusting organizations to environments and the environments to organizations”.
5. The quest for representative bureaucracy continues in our society
6. Both the pathways and the reasons for communication inside an agency are numerous
7. Good program management begins with careful attention to goals and to the objectives for attaining goals.
8. The French system of top governmental management is marked by a more assertive and self-confident career bureaucracy,
9. Each participant is given a written, narrative description of a policy.
10. Job satisfaction in the British civil service appears to be lower than among equivalent executive and clerical groups working for private firms.
11. These theories are of course very general.
12. Throughout the 1970s, the concept of strikes was a topic of sustained interest.
13. One of the characteristic features of systems analysis to help in the selection of alternatives is cost/benefit analysis.
14. The answer to that question should be of considerable interest to the administrator.
15. An important figure in the history of administrative theory is Herbert Simon.
16. Philosophers since ancient time have speculated on the nature of organizations and their roles in society
17. Two fundamental issues must be resolved at this second stage.
18. Do you apply personnel procedures uniformly?
19. It has got to have that effect.
20. Read his article and then conduct his experiment, “Lost on the Moon,” to see how effective his methods are.
21. This step also includes impacts resolutions or dispute settlement.
22. Likewise, the examination should not be culturally biased.
23. What these statistics mean is not as easy to interpret as some might.
24. Is there a way for an employee to complain to management?
25. Certain social forces are pushing organizations to ward a more democratic form.

Chapter 4
Vocabulary in sentences

1. citizen = method, way
2. alternatives = choices
3. addresses = said
4. widespread = well-known
5. assessed = estimated
6. sophistication = highly complex
7. invisible = imperceptible
8. dramatic = noticeable , sudden
9. persistence = repeating = ซ้ำ
10. inaugural = initial
11. means = way
12. Sound = Stable
13. chronological = sequential
14. describes = tells = พรรณนา
15. headed = moved toward = มุ่งไปสู่
16. maintenance = preservation = การบำรุงรักษา
17. revealed = exhibited = เปิดเผย
18. diminished = descended = ลด
19. futile = useless = ไร้ประโยชน์
20. explicit = clear = เคลียร์
21. differentiating = distinguishing = ความแตกต่าง
22. zenith = peak = จุดสูงสุด
23. achieve = accomplish = สำเร็จ
24. portrait = description = ภาพแลเงา
25. relevant = related = เกี่ยวข้อง
26. correlated = reciprocated = มีอิทธิผลซึ่งกันและกัน
27. in terms of = be characterized by = ในลักษณะ
28. To some extent = partly = บางส่วน
29. client = customer = ลูกค้า
30. advancement = progress = ก้าวหน้า
31. no longer = outdated = ล้าสมัย
32. aspects = characteristics = ลักษณะ, มุมมอง
33. furnish = provide = จัดทำให้

Chapter 7
What is a paragraph?
1. Culture
2. time
3. management
4. business
5. Ronald Jewell
6. advertising
7. variety
8. evidence
9. Culture


Posted by Tai

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